Today's Thoughts...

A Levesque #61 - Last Rope

 I can't even begin to describe the feelings that I have built up inside of me lately.  This is going to be personal mainly because God gifted me with the ability to not care about your opinion, and this blog isn't for people who know me per se.  It's mainly for my children so they can look and see everything will work out.   NO MATTER WHAT THERE WILL ALWAYS BE HOPE. I've been struggling. Never have I seen such selfishness. Never have I seen so much greed. Never have I seen so much betrayal.  Never have I seen families ripped apart because of ego and pride.   My house and my family will not be torn apart in the process.  We serve the Lord, and no weapon formed against us will prosper.  We are formed on a rock, not sand to blow away when trials come our way.   Somedays will be hard. Shit, somedays are hard. Somedays it will rain. Then, Somedays the sun will shine so bright you'll forget that it was ever raining.  Never give up on those you love.   Pray for them from

A.Levesque #32 - When The World Feels Like It Is Just Smashing You Down.

I know I have had a super lame writing schedule for the audience who loves to read my stuff.  I am going to start working on a schedule so that I can hold myself accountable to my goals.

When you have goals, you have to hold yourself accountable.


When the world feels like it is just smashing you down, and happiness feels unobtainable.

What do you think?
What do you say?
What do you do?

I am struggling so much in my personal life at the moment.  My world is just smashing me in the face from almost every single direction.  I want to share with you what I think, say, and do.

I think that life is going to continue to test you even once you find yourself.
I think that life is going to always change the way you think.
I think that life will continue to change everything, always.
What you think today may not be what you think tomorrow.
I think that no matter how bad you think you have it, someone's else's struggle you could not handle.  That's a big shout out to my encounter yesterday morning because that situation I could not handle.
I think that you have to find a way to get the anger out, the hate out, and all the things that are tearing you up.
I think you can only do what you can do, and try your best.

Talk to people.  Tell them your story.  Tell them your struggles.  You can not get help if you do not seek out.  If you come across someone who discourages you, keep going.  Tell everyone your story, and listen to them.  Listen to what they say.  Follow the advice that sounds logical.  Listen to yourself and act appropriately.

You will find some things you will be wrong about.  You need to correct your statements.  You need to apologize when you are wrong.  It is okay to make mistakes.
Explain how you made the mistakes.
People can relate to you if you explain yourself.
Explain your anger and people will be able to understand you.

When you express your anger, no one can understand. 

Keep going until you get answers.  Don't just let someone tell you something, and you just believe it.  Research what people say.  Get out there.  Go find your answers yourself.  Where there is a will there is always a way.

I talk through my problems with people who I can trust.
I reach out to people who can hold me while I cry.
I reach out to people who can help me solve my problems.
I recruit allies - people of a common goal.
I workout to combat my anger.
I workout to help with my inability to sleep.
I take time to be alone even for a few minutes to get a grip on things.
I listen to the advice of other people (sometimes not as well as other times).

Please remember that no one is ever alone.
You will find people who love you.
They do exist.

Feel free to share.
Thank you very much.
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Love you.
