Today's Thoughts...

A Levesque #61 - Last Rope

 I can't even begin to describe the feelings that I have built up inside of me lately.  This is going to be personal mainly because God gifted me with the ability to not care about your opinion, and this blog isn't for people who know me per se.  It's mainly for my children so they can look and see everything will work out.   NO MATTER WHAT THERE WILL ALWAYS BE HOPE. I've been struggling. Never have I seen such selfishness. Never have I seen so much greed. Never have I seen so much betrayal.  Never have I seen families ripped apart because of ego and pride.   My house and my family will not be torn apart in the process.  We serve the Lord, and no weapon formed against us will prosper.  We are formed on a rock, not sand to blow away when trials come our way.   Somedays will be hard. Shit, somedays are hard. Somedays it will rain. Then, Somedays the sun will shine so bright you'll forget that it was ever raining.  Never give up on those you love.   Pray for them from

A.Levesque #38 - 2018, See You Later

I am going to keep it short and sweet tonight.  I have the most wonderful husband that God ever gave anyone.  I am so lucky to have him.

Oh my goodness, what did I do?  Yes, I wrecked my husband's truck.  Oh dear, please have mercy on my soul...  Do you know what didn't cross my mind when I started to hydroplane across three lanes of the highway on I-75 at 70 miles per hour as the dash kissed the left median railing?  Not my husband's truck.  It was the four other passengers in my truck.

Everyone is okay.  Just a few bumps and aches.

As I was already being cautious on the rainy roads today, I am lucky.  There was quite a bit of traffic and somehow we managed through with no injuries and hopefully minor damages to my truck.  It is definitely my truck now.

So my recommendation to you my friend is to spend tonight with your loved ones.  Curl up with them.  Go out with them.  Call them on the telephone.  Just get with them and love them.  If you are out on I75 tonight, drive safe and slow down.

Happy New Year

