Today's Thoughts...

A Levesque #61 - Last Rope

 I can't even begin to describe the feelings that I have built up inside of me lately.  This is going to be personal mainly because God gifted me with the ability to not care about your opinion, and this blog isn't for people who know me per se.  It's mainly for my children so they can look and see everything will work out.   NO MATTER WHAT THERE WILL ALWAYS BE HOPE. I've been struggling. Never have I seen such selfishness. Never have I seen so much greed. Never have I seen so much betrayal.  Never have I seen families ripped apart because of ego and pride.   My house and my family will not be torn apart in the process.  We serve the Lord, and no weapon formed against us will prosper.  We are formed on a rock, not sand to blow away when trials come our way.   Somedays will be hard. Shit, somedays are hard. Somedays it will rain. Then, Somedays the sun will shine so bright you'll forget that it was ever raining.  Never give up on those you love.   Pray for them from

A.Levesque #43 - Happy Hump Day

Happy hump day ❤️❤️❤️

So I picked up Rachel Hollis's second book and am half way through already.  I recommend every woman who is on here to pick up one of them. 

I'm at the dance studio tonight watching my beautiful daughter work her butt off for her goals, and I wonder how she just keeps going.  Part of me realizes, she has learned it from me.  There's also the other part of me that prays she never let's this world dictate what she should be.

You can create whatever life you want.
Stop listening to the noise of life and listen to your insides.
I will remind your beautiful faces everyday of your worth if that is what it takes. 

People don't like my page.  I don't let it stop me.  I may have in the past, but not now.  It's time to refocus on what is important and remember why I chose to come on here in the first place.

I lose followers sometimes, but I have to remember that 10 more come in.  Not everyone is going to like you and that's okay. 

There are people who are very close to me who are criticising what I do on here, and that's okay.  I am not for them.  I am for me.  I will never dull myself for anyone, it's not in my nature.  Never ever believe that you are incapable.  You are worth every bit. 

Stick around for the show ❤️ it's going to be good.
Love your faces
Happy Hump Day
