Today's Thoughts...

A.Levesque #60 - Time

 The one thing you spend you can never get back.  Tonight, I'm thinking life is to short to worry, you realize this.  Turn your worry into prayer.  See how things manifest exactly the way they are intended. I didn't say the way you wanted, that is not really how this works.  There's a big plan you know nothing about and you don't need to. Just keep being you. Keep shining your light in the darkest places to find all of the lost sheep.  One person is worth all the effort.  Never let the enemy win.  Satan will destroy everything you build if you let him.   Believe that.   Keep your peace  Remember I love your faces. 💗A.Levesque 

A.Levesque # 54 - Big Life Decisions


Matthew 18:20

Man, don't we all wish we could predict what was going to happen next week much less a year out.  Can you imagine that knowledge?  Do you think it would make you work harder or motivate yourself more.

Live the life you want by making it. 
Sometimes we think we have it all figured out and here comes God and his will.  What is right to do and actually be compassionate to others.

How angry are you? 
How unforgiving are you?

Spending ten minutes with someone's problems and you would want yours back in a heart beat.  A day in another's shoes would put your life in perspective.

We all fall short.
We all are capable of pulling ourselves up.
Make sure to be living the life you were meant to and quit worrying about the rest of it. 

Everything works out.

Love your faces.
